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Where development & automation intersect.

Test automation coding

Your partner in software excellence and everything else in between.

At Standard Software Solutions, we excel in providing software solutions and delivering a diverse array of customized services designed to meet the unique needs of both commercial and federal clients. Our commitment to innovation ensures that we offer state-of-the-art solutions, all while delivering a personalized and tailored approach.

Worked with and trusted by…

What we offer

Test Automation

Streamline your testing process with advanced automation for superior software quality

Website Development & Hosting

Expertly crafted websites that captivate your audience,  supported by lightening-fast web hosting

Business Workflow Automation

Optimize your operations with efficient business automation solutions to keep in-touch with customers and generate positive reviews

Everything Else

Customized services, such as digital marketing, drone videography/photography  and lead generation, uniquely tailored to your needs

Test Automation Solutions

Playwright logo
Selenium logo
Cucumber logo
typescript logo
Java Logo
buildkite logo

Cutting-Edge Web Development Solutions

aws glyph
Murphy Vet HTML file

Everything else

Why Standard?

✓ Personalized Approach

As a small team, we value building close relationships with our clients. We take the time to understand your unique needs and provide customized solutions that align with your vision.

✓ Cutting-Edge Technology

We stay at the forefront of web development trends, specializing in backend technologies and test automation. Our expertise extends to using TypeScript and Playwright for creating robust, reliable automated testing solutions. This approach ensures your website’s backend is not only efficient but also thoroughly tested for optimal performance.

✓ Diverse Service Offering

We believe that every business, regardless of size, deserves more than just a stunning website. Our expertise extends beyond traditional web development to include specialized backend technologies and test automation services. By leveraging TypeScript and Playwright, we offer exclusive business automation solutions that distinguish us from our competitors. Our comprehensive approach is designed to deliver high-quality results, backed by tangible feedback, ensuring your website’s backend is both efficient and reliable.

Grow your business

Grow your business

Grow your business

Grow your business

Grow your business

Automate your process

Automate your process

Automate your process

Automate your process

Automate your process